Bang On Records Voice Lessons and Guitar Lessons

September 2018 Vlog Blog

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Is Singing Your Life's Purpose

This video discusses how we tend to get derailed and what we can do to get back on track.

There is an Hindu scripture that reads “We are what our deep driving desire is. As is our desire, so is our will. As is our will, so is our deed”. So, if your deep driving desire is tied to your life’s purpose it is your deeds that will bring you to achieving your life’s purpose.

Staying on track and staying motivated is a commitment and a promise you need to make to yourself. Consistency in your deeds is what will continue to bring you the progress that will keep you motivated.

This video discusses how we tend to get derailed and what we can do to get back on track.

If you find this video helpful, please “Like” it, comment to let me know your thoughts on the topic “Share” it with anyone you know who you think may benefit from it as well.

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Happy Singing!

Dominique Gizelle
The Vocal Troubleshooter